Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mary Poppins

{Photo Credit: Me} 

Sometimes I find it hard to believe that my dreams are actually becoming reality... 

I've started my countdown to when my dreams will start coming true and I have 168 days - which seems like a lot, but I'm sure that time will whittle away quickly in a matter of months! 

This blog-post really has nothing to do with the college program or what my preparation for moving to Orlando will be, it really just has to do with dreams and making the most of your life.

Mary Poppins is one of those characters that just makes me smile whenever I see her. She is dressed so elegantly and even though she's not a "princess", she is practically perfect in every way imaginable! 
When you start to think that you're going to fail or that you are never going to get there, listen to Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and dance around your room because anything and everything you've ever wanted is attainable if you work hard enough! 

My favorite quote has always been, "Success is where preparation meets opportunity". This is especially true for those of you applying for the college program or chasing your dreams to work for your dream job... or maybe, you're just trying to be yourself in a world that tries to beat you down and spit you out looking and acting exactly like every other person out there. Do me a favor. Don't be that person. Instead, be your own person and chase your own passions! You only have once life, and I suggest you make the best of it. I wouldn't be where I am today if I wouldn't have prepared and planned and schemed. Okay, maybe not schemed, but lots of planning goes into your dreams! Do you think Mary Poppins just rolls out of bed looking perfectly quaffed? Nope. It takes preparation to look like our good friend Mary, and it takes preparation to get your dream job. 

I researched the Disney College Program since I was 15  (I believe… or maybe I was 13). I would go on the website and read up on the program, and then I'd go on YouTube and watch people's videos they posted about the program, and I hoped and waited until I could apply. That took a long time from the age of 15 until the age of 21 to make one of my dreams come true because sometimes things that you want TAKE TIME. But the things you want the most are worth waiting for… I guarantee it. 

Do the heavy leg work, and you'll be rewarded in the end. People often ask me: How did you get a job with Disney?! Well, a lot of time and effort! I was rejected and felt like Disney didn't want me, but I didn't let that get in the way. I researched some more, perfected my skills, and applied again. Life's a Journey, Learn from it! 

Don't wait around for things to be handed to you… Go out there and get what you want today!! Mary Poppins would approve of that. 


Love and Pixie Dust

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